Kiss of the Dragon Read online

Page 14

  "Yes," she replied calmly. "My talent only works on Nosferatu of the Dark."

  Good for hunting, not so good for all the other supernatural crap we had to face.

  I nodded, but my eyes hadn't left Marcus. I swear he would have attacked had he been able to see her. Not a good move. Before I thought better of it I gathered my Lux Lucis Tribuo powers and blasted him square in the chest with my Light.

  Maybe I should have thought that through, especially as my Lux Lucis Tribuo powers can have one of two outcomes. Either the vampire is bathed in Light while I hold their Dark dear, and they get to choose good over bad. Or... they join my line.

  Stealing vampires is what got me in the mess I'm currently in with Viktor. Sergei and Natalyia were once his and I had taken them under my Lux Lucis Tribuo line, giving them my Light, marking them with my Sigillum; an iridescent star-shaped tattoo-like design on their right cheeks. The Russian still hadn't recovered from that slap in the face. I was sure I'd be paying for it soon.

  But the thought of stealing one of Michel's vampires was nauseating. My gut clenched, my mouth went bone dry, even as my Light continued to wash Marcus in a soft white glow. I stumbled backwards... and Michel was suddenly in my mind, filling my head with his presence. It wasn't gentle, I don't think he realised what he was doing. It was a knee jerk reaction to having one of his vampires tampered with. A Master Vampire protecting his flock. My hands clasped my temples, scrunching up my hair and I tightly closed my eyes. I could feel someone rubbing my back as I doubled over in agony, panting to get air in my straining lungs.

  Lucinda! Michel yelled, no screamed in my head. I groaned in response. Stop!

  My Light came hurtling back towards me knocking the stuffing out of my lungs. I made a strangled oomph sound and fell back into the arms of Natalyia behind me. Sergei was standing above my body, fangs out, red glow in his eyes, ready to protect. Matthias stood on looking confused and agitated. I couldn't see Sophie, but Marcus was lying, unmoving, on the ground.

  "Oh fuck," I mumbled, a little incoherently. "Please tell me he hasn't got a Sigillum on his cheek."

  Matthias woke up from his stupor and approached his sidekick, rolling him over onto his back. The sound of Marcus's head loudly colliding with the concrete beneath it was deafening in the still night air. If there were people around us, I couldn't see nor hear them. I wondered briefly if Sergei had masked us in Sanguis Vitam mist. A natural protection when in public and something supernatural like this goes down.

  I strained to see, but there was no Sigillum. I let a breath of air out in a relieved sigh. But he was awash in Light. I'd wager my life savings that he'd be able to see Sophie now. Exactly what I had hoped would happen, but I sure as hell didn't feel elated by that fact.

  I slumped down in a defeated position, lotus style on the cold ground. Natalyia still rubbed my back, over the top of my concealed Svante. Sergei still stood on guard.

  And Michel was still in my mind. Pacing, like a caged tiger.

  I closed my eyes for a moment and prayed to Nut for strength and courage. Michel when he was angry was something to behold. When he was angry in my mind, he really was something else.

  Michel? I asked, tentatively. He didn't reply. My shoulders sagged even further. I'm sorry, I whispered. That wasn't meant to happen.

  I heard his growl as though he was before me, it reverberated inside my mind. I let a shaky breath of air out and felt my entire body shudder. My jaw ached where I had been clenching my teeth for so long. Both out of fear of what could have happened and now out of regret. I would never steal from Michel. Not intentionally, anyway.

  But then, if he turned Dark and his vampires followed, I'd sure as hell let him know. Although, I'd discuss it with him first, I was sure. I wouldn't blindly go forth and blast his line with my Light. And I think that was what was most shocking, to him and to me. The surprise. Michel knew I'd always stand up to him if needed, but I'd never do anything drastic such as this, without first letting him know he was on thin ice.

  I sighed again and I felt Michel doing the same in my mind.

  You almost had him, he finally said. His voice sounding a little too much like his dragon-within. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. His dragon loved me, as much as Michel did. But it could react brutally when thwarted. I only hoped it respected the power I'd displayed. To a vampire there can be nothing better than a good show of power. The part of Michel which is all vampire, is his dragon-within.

  It wasn't my intention, I reiterated inside my head.

  I know, he said softly. I reacted on instinct to the threat. I could have harmed you. And now I knew he was feeling as much regret as me.

  Can we pretend this never happened? I asked, attempting to smile through the words and lift the mood.

  My dragon-within is agitated, ma douce. Right in this instant, he wishes to claim you. To prove you are mine.

  I am yours, I replied immediately.

  Yes, but he wishes to remind you of that fact. Oh, I get it. He wanted to prove a point, show me and the world that he was the stronger, more powerful, partner in this relationship. Exactly, Michel whispered, sounding a little defeated.

  Oh, Michel, I said with feeling. Your dragon-within doesn't need to do that. You are the sun that shines on my world. You are the air I need to breathe to survive. Without you, I am nothing. How much more power could he have than that?

  There was a long silence. Maybe only a couple of seconds, but I was sure my heart had beat a hundred beats in that short time. Finally I felt his warmth, making me realise how cold I had become. His vampire-within having accomplished that? I wasn't sure, but now I was tingling with heat; a beautiful sensation as though I was wrapped in the softest, warmest blanket. But it was more than that, it was a heat that built from deep down inside, sending shockwaves of pure bliss along my nerve endings, pooling deliciously between my thighs.

  Michel, I gasped - probably aloud as well as in my head. The fact that he could make me feel such lustful emotions from so far away was astounding. And impressive. And unnerving. Goddess knew who was watching me right now.

  He is appeased, ma douce, Michel said huskily, speaking of his dragon-within. But be warned, the moment I see you next, he will pounce.

  A shiver ran down my spine and I moaned. Michel began to laugh quietly in my head.

  You are delightful, ma belle. What I would do to you right now if I had you in my arms. He sent a barrage of images through my mind, each one more erotic than the last.

  You've got to stop, I chastised weakly. My heart really wasn't in it, I was enjoying the sensations he elicited too much. I've got a Master of the City to confront and Nosferatins to rescue, I added, in an attempt to prove to him - and myself - that I meant business.

  Very well. The images stopped. Please take care of my vampyres. I held my breath, unsure if he was about to turn all angry vampire on me again. But most importantly, please take care of yourself. Je t'aime, ma douce. N'importe ce que tu fais, je t'aimerai toujours."

  He was gone in the next moment and I was alone again with my thoughts. My mind already trying to translate his words, but with the rudimentary amount of French I knew, I was coming up blank. I blinked open my eyes and took in the surroundings. Marcus was sitting upright, a bemused expression softening the features of his face. Matthias was standing beside him, a guard in every sense of the word. Natalyia was crouched down beside me, and Sergei stood sentinel above.

  But it was Sophie I sought out. She walked forward when I caught her eye. I cleared my throat.

  "Um, what does 'N'importe ce que tu fais, je t'aimerai toujours' mean?" I asked, stumbling over the words quickly before I could think better of asking her to translate out loud.

  "No matter what you do, I will always love you," she replied instantly, her lips tipping up attractively at the sides.

  "Oh," I said, rather pathetically. But I couldn't stop the smile that graced my own lips. "That's good to know."

  "Are you feeling
able to stand now, Mistress," Sergei said, bringing our attention back to more pressing matters than expressions of love from my kindred in French.

  "Yeah, sure," I replied and let Natalyia haul me to my feet. "How are you, Marcus?" I asked, dusting myself down.

  He sprang to his feet in that puppet-on-a-string glide the vampires do, looking every inch in control of his body.

  "I am fine, Lucinda," he replied a little formally. I glanced up to see him watching me intently, his gaze flicking to Sophie every now and then, but resolutely springing back to keep an eye on me.

  I could have apologised for what happened, but I wasn't sorry for washing him in my Light, for achieving what I had set out to do. That is, making Sophie visible to him and holding some of the Dark he'd been weighed under on his behalf. I'd been sorry that I'd almost stolen him from Michel, and I'd apologised to Michel for that. But, going with the notion that I was the one in charge tonight and acting like I had everything under control, I stuck to my guns and just nodded my head at him instead.

  "OK. Any sign of the shifters?"

  "Yes," Matthias answered. "They await us by one of the fountains."

  "Great," I muttered, thinking they may have seen some of what had happened here from where they stood.

  "Everything was masked, Mistress," Sergei said in a low voice to my side, clearly understanding my statement for what it was. "They are only now becoming aware of us."

  I watched as the shifters began to stand taller in that moment, their eyes now trained directly on us as we approached. I took a couple of fortifying and calming breaths in, thankful that only those vampires closest to me, and one Nosferatin I could trust, had seen that little display. Both Marcus's Light washing and Michel's reaction so clearly visible on my body even when he was just inside my mind.

  "You are late, lass," Sebastian chastised as soon as we were in earshot.

  "Apologies," I answered nonchalantly. "Something came up."

  "Time is of the essence. The Master of the City will be alerted to our presence, so close to his club, any moment now."

  "Can't be avoided and it really is to be expected. I never thought we'd have the element of surprise."

  "Still, your priorities seem a little confused," the dragon-shifter continued to doggedly make his point.

  I frowned at him and threw my glance over his mates. Three, just as he'd promised, including himself.

  "Well, we're here now," I said, rolling my shoulders and fingering a stake inside my jacket pocket. "Let's do this."

  I just hoped Amun would see the Light.

  Chapter 14

  Getting Along

  The vibrant multi-coloured lights outside the club's entrance sent colourful rainbow-like patterns across the road. A queue snaked out from the front doors and down the street, nearly to the end of the block. Amun's club had always been popular, most vampire haunts are, but this seemed even more so than previously. I wondered if all the Dark called to the humans who wanted more from their night than just a drink and a dance.

  Just because vampires can be cloaked in Darkness, does not mean they have the monopoly on it. Humans can be just as evil as the Nosferatu. One does not rule out the possibility of the other. Darkness is not a single opportunity task master, it accepts any who seek to dwell in the shadows of the night. Vampire, human, shifter, ghoul. Even fairies are not exempt. I hoped there were none here tonight. Things would be complicated enough with the rest of the supernatural community in attendance, members of the Ljósálfar and Dökkálfa Royal Courts would only escalate matters.

  We walked up to the bouncers on the front door, right past the line of humans waiting patiently for their turn under Amun's multi-coloured spotlights. Initially, we received only a few scornful looks, but it soon became obvious the vampire guards on the door were going to entertain us. The looks became more plentiful and started to be accompanied by grumbles and rude remarks.

  "State your business," one of the burly vampires said in a low, gruff voice. His mate growled menacingly at the queue to shut them up. They obliged.

  "The Prophesied to see the Master of the City." No point beating about the bush, the vampire hunter was out of the bag.

  "He is not in attendance tonight," the guard said dismissively.

  I let myself sink into that black nothingness I use to seek and sought out Amun's Dark signature. I'd been before him enough to it commit to memory and it didn't take long to find him exactly where I suspected he'd be. In his private chambers at the rear of the building, beneath the club itself.

  "I'm sorry," I said sweetly. "Did I not introduce myself correctly? I am the Prophesied, here as the Champion's envoy, to see the Master of London City."

  The guard hesitated. Only for a moment, but long enough to tell me he was unsure, or seeking telepathic instructions. He began smirking, just before he spoke again.

  "He is not in attendance tonight, apologies to the Champion and his ambassador, but your time has been wasted coming this far."

  I smiled, maintaining the 'sweet' I'd been going for. "That's fine, I'm sure he has his reasons for hiding like a coward in his chambers beneath the club."

  I watched as the guard's fangs came out and his eyes turned a blood red. The other vampire stepped forward to stand at his side, shielding him from human view and offering support.

  "Ask Amun Nadeem if he has the courage to meet the only free standing Nosferatin left in his city this night," I demanded, backing my request up with a little Light. Just enough to prove my point. And to glaze him.

  The vampire at his side sucked in a surprised breath, his fangs descending and eyes turning an unnatural maroon. I turned my head slowly to look him in the eyes and let mine flash briefly. His gaze fluttered away immediately. Ha! How do you like the tables being turned on you, predator?

  There was a commotion at the door and then after a few knocks and bangs and loud indistinct noises from the other side, the doors swung open revealing a dozen vampire guards. The front one, a guard I had seen before when I first met with Amun, stepped forward and glared at me.

  "The Master of the City requests you not tamper with his vampires, or he will consider it an outright attack on his line," he declared harshly. I was guessing he expected me to blanch.

  "I think that might be the pot calling the kettle black," I replied smoothly, pushing past the vampire bouncer I had 'tampered with' and stepping toe to toe with the new vampire guard. "Does the Master of the City refuse an audience with the Champion's envoy?"

  "No, of course not," he replied, standing taller - towering over me. I didn't let any emotions show on my face. "But only you may enter his inner sanctum. Unarmed," he added for good measure.

  I felt my vampires stiffen behind me, their Sanguis Vitam accumulating on the air at my back. The new guard flicked his gaze up over my shoulder and growled low and long. "Those are the conditions," he stated flatly.

  I didn't like this at all. But it was hardly unexpected. Besides, I wouldn't be alone. Sophie would be with me and if the shit hit the fan, M&M and my vampires could force their way inside. I turned and smiled at Sergei reassuringly.

  "I'm sure the Master of the City wouldn't begrudge you hospitality in his club." The new guard shifted to my side, clearly about to protest. "It would be too much of a show of weakness to deny my guards access, at least, to the club itself."

  The new guard paused and then without a word turned on his heel and led the way inside. I hadn't forgotten how Amun operated. A show of weakness to any vampire was a big faux pas, but to Amun, who was at the beck and call of a more powerful vampire when I last met him, it was a sore spot. He longed to prove how powerful he was. Weakness of any sort would be unacceptable.

  "Stay near the the doors to his chamber, I'll notify Michel if help is required. He can then tell Marcus and Matthias," I whispered softly to Sergei as he leaned in for instruction, his ear practically at my mouth. "Sophie will be with me and will be fully armed."

  "We should have had her carry you
r sword," Sergei whispered back, almost too low for me to hear.

  "She'll have extra stakes. She's been well trained."

  At the door to Amun's private chambers Sergei stepped in front of me, shielding me from the vampire who led the way. The rest of the dozen who met us, had fanned out and surrounded us, shielding us from those in the club and making a prominent display of power to any supernatural who cared to watch.

  "I shall mind your weapons, Mistress," Sergei announced, loud enough for the vampire guards to hear. There was some movement among their ranks, but no verbal protest. As long as I was unarmed seemed to be enough. I handed him my two silver stakes, noticing he'd donned gloves at some stage, enabling him to touch the silver of my weapons. He pocketed the stakes swiftly before any Norms could see. The silver dagger followed, but the sword would be harder to hide. Rather than strip off completely, I simply unsheathed it and watched mesmerised as Sergei used Sanguis Vitam to slip it inside an invisible scabbard at his waist, making it disappear.

  "Nice," I said under my breath and watched a rare smile grace his angular face. My back straightened and my head came up, I glanced at each of my vampires. "Have fun!" I announced, code for stay on guard. I hoped they got it. Then swung around and proceeded to follow at least half of the group through the door. The other half stayed behind to keep an eye on my vampires.

  Sophie kept shoulder to shoulder with me, not being spotted by any of the Dark vampires who herded us through the multitude of corridors - after they'd searched me for hidden weapons behind the closed door to the club. The search had been perfunctory, swift and precise. And had elicited nothing, because I was now officially unarmed. Well, at least, I wasn't wearing any physical weapons. I still had my Light.

  It took forever to reach the double height and width doors that marked entrance to the Master of the City's private chambers. I'd forgotten how convoluted the passageways beneath the club were. It would take several minutes for my vampires to reach us if we needed them, and that was if they didn't encounter too many obstacles in their path. I tried to not let that thought trouble me, but worry was a constant companion since we'd started this - what seemed to me right now - doomed walk.