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Kiss of the Dragon Page 8
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Page 8
"I think you need a drink, Samson," I said evenly. Christopher appeared at his side immediately, closely followed by Sergei. They both steered him away without a word. To my surprise he let them.
I remained where I was, a little shocked. Something was on Samson's mind and it pained me as much as it seemed to be hurting him. Michel turned me slowly in his arms until I was flush against his chest. His lips trailed along my cheek until he found my earlobe.
Then softly, he whispered in my ear, "We could skip this and retire." His teeth started nibbling on my ear.
I let a breath of air out on a laugh mixed with a little moan of delight. Exactly what he was going for, so he didn't stop there.
"I have plans for you that involve massage oil and restraints. Soft candlelight and low music. They will take hours and hours, we should get a start on them now."
I laughed a little harder. His fangs scraped down my neck. My body shuddered, my fists grabbing the lapels of his jacket for support and I moulded myself to his length. He purred against my skin.
"Make a decision now, ma douce," he murmured against my lips. "Or in another ten seconds I will make it for you."
"You're not playing fair," I whispered in a husky voice.
"Three weeks," was all he said. And all he needed to say. He'd suffered without me for three whole weeks, he had every intention of making up time.
As much as I was well on-board with his seductive plans, I also didn't want to be rude. Kathleen had gone to a lot of effort tonight and I hadn't even had a chance to greet Yves and his guest. Communing, as Michel called it, was important and despite Samson's display I wasn't going to neglect my family. My family meant everything to me.
Michel sighed. "You are killing me, ma belle." But his lips were spread in a smile against my skin, I could feel it. Michel took the responsibility of heading a line seriously. He would have agreed with my decision even if his body did not.
Now it was his turn to laugh, a low chuckle rumbling through his chest. It was so damn sexy.
"I need a drink," he announced at normal volume. "Or two," he added flashing me a grin. Then he was gone, over by the drinks trolley, his glass already to his lips.
"Show off," I whispered and he chuckled harder, having caught every word from across the noisy room.
I turned my attention to the leader of the Parisian Nosferatins, walking up to where he stood by the fireplace with the brunette at his side. She was petite, but athletic looking, as though she worked out every single day. Most Nosferatins are, we have to keep on top of our fitness when faced with the power of rogues on a nightly basis. But she seemed more than just fit, I was sure she was a little powerhouse all on her own.
I could tell she was immature, meaning she hadn't yet passed her 25th birthday and probably hadn't joined with a kindred Nosferatu yet. She'd have one lined up, no doubt, because she was clearly close to maturity and without a joining she would die. One of the many complications of being a Nosferatin.
She was pretty though, with stunning blue eyes, perfect pale skin and lustrous long brown hair past her shoulders. There was a slight wave at the tips of the strands, making her hair seem carefree and natural. She looked natural. I wondered if she was Yves' girlfriend.
"Hey," I said as I approached. Yves immediately bowed low, hand fisted over chest in a formal Nosferatu show of respect. The girl followed suit as soon as she saw him do it. I sighed. "You know that is not necessary, Yves."
"Sanguis Vitam Cupitor, I disagree." He stood to full height again and grinned, making the formal greeting seem that much more out of place.
"You're impossible," I chastised, as he stepped in and kissed both of my cheeks. When he pulled back I took a good look at my friend. Slightly tanned skin, short blond hair - a little dishevelled as usual - stunning Arctic blue eyes, friendly face and casual dress. Tonight, jeans and a Euro Disney T-Shirt completed the boy-next-door look.
"Lucinda," he murmured in his lovely French accent. "It is so good to see you again." And he meant it, I could tell. Yves was just one of those people who genuinely cared.
He turned to the girl at his side and took hold of her hand, confirming they were closer than just colleagues in my eyes. He pulled her forward and began introductions.
"Lucinda, this is Sophie Delacroix, my most promising protégée. Sophie, this is the Prophesied."
Oh boy. "Lucinda," I said purposefully, as I took her hand to shake. "And if you try to call me by that archaic title, I will have to stake you." The last was said with a big smile.
Sophie laughed, a delightful delicate sound and shook my hand firmly. "I promise I won't forget," she said in a slight French accent, not quite as pronounced as Yves'.
"I didn't expect to see you here, Yves," I said honestly. He was kept very busy in Paris.
"We came through with the Champion for your arrival. He requested our attendance in case word got out that you were being pulled through the portal to here."
That didn't sound good.
"Was there a concern?" I asked quietly. For Michel to consider Nosferatin assistance, as well as his usual vampire guards, was not good news.
"Things have become heated in Paris," Yves confirmed what I already knew from Michel. "The Champion is using every asset he has. We are pledged to aid him when necessary. Besides," he added, "you are our Prophesied, not just his."
I let that sink in for a moment, nabbing a snack off a plate of delicious morsels to my side. I chewed thoughtfully.
"It must make protecting the innocents in Paris more difficult for you," I said at last.
"We have taken on more recruits from further afield," Yves said casually, as though having to increase the Nosferatin population of Paris was no big deal. I wasn't so sure. Whatever Michel was worried about happening, was worse than he had even indicated before. Still protecting me, it seemed.
I smiled to myself at Michel's soft words in my mind. It didn't surprise me that he was keeping an eye on my conversation and I could hardly blame him now. Things were precarious, I was beginning to see, and Michel's desire to keep me safe would be all encompassing. Which made his choice to send me to London intriguing. How difficult would it have been for him to let me do this, whilst his desire to protect me would be in overdrive?
You have no idea, he added, repeating his earlier words.
I stifled a laugh and returned my attention to Yves and Sophie.
"Well thank you for coming," I said with feeling.
"Our pleasure," both Nosferatins replied. "We are relieved to be working so closely with our Nosferatu brethren again," Yves added. "It has been many centuries since the Nosferatin and Nosferatu were so closely aligned."
I thought about that for a moment. It was a clear indication of Michel's political leanings. He had a kindred, the first Champion to do so, I believe. He understood the strengths of the Nosferatins and because of that, he didn't fear us as much as the previous Champion had done. Which only boded well for future relations between our kinds. We were of the same ilk originally, after all. But he would have his work cut out for him with some of the Iunctio's Council, I was sure.
I turned my attention back to Yves being away from Paris because of me. "I'll be heading to London tomorrow, so you can both go back to Paris then perhaps." I wanted them to know they didn't need to stick around for days on end, that they could return to where they were needed most. I appreciated that they had taken time out to be here, to offer extra protection upon my return, but their lives were waiting. Not to mention the innocents of Paris needed them back home.
"What takes you to London?" Yves asked.
"I have an assignment," I said sounding extremely pleased with myself. Yves grinned back at me, picking up on my school-girl excitement.
"A dangerous assignment?" he asked.
"Are there any others?"
He laughed and shook his head, then added, "Ah, but will it involve silver?"
"I'm hoping a whole lot," I replied, wondering
in that second where my stakes and Svante sword had got to. I'd had them in Álfheimr, but Sergei and I had left in such a hurry I hadn't taken the time to retrieve them from the Hyrða guards.
They arrived not long ago, sent through a portal directly here, Michel whispered in my mind. Aliath did not wish for you to be unarmed, he added, sounding a little put out by the Fairy King's continued interest in my wellbeing. I was relieved my weapons had returned to me, but I had to wonder why the Fey had portal access to the Château, that they could apparently use with such ease. Michel didn't comment in my mind, making the uneasy feeling inside increase.
"Could you use some assistance?" Yves was asking, making me struggle for a second to pick up where our conversation was. Michel was distracting when he was near, but when in my mind it was ten times worse.
"Um," I said finding my place again. "I'll have vampire guards with me and my Tego Texi Tectum. I should be good."
"But it never fails to have too much," Yves commented. "Another Nosferatin wouldn't go astray."
I wasn't sure it was necessary, I could always call on Arthur Pencarrow's crew. The London based Nosferatins were sticklers for rules though and always worked in a team. Asking for their help would mean all of them would join in and the thought of Marie, my former scaredy-cat protégée, getting involved in whatever I was doing, was a little disconcerting. If I could keep her out of harm's way at all, I would.
Out of curiosity I asked, "Who have you got in mind?"
"Sophie," Yves replied and the young girl smiled up at him. It seemed caring and full of pride that he would suggest her at all. But surprisingly not full of lust. Maybe she wasn't his girlfriend after all. "She is experienced," he went on. "Well trained, highly skilled and" - now he smiled with pride - "she moves silently through the night. None would know she is with you, should you choose to use this skill. She is a definite asset and could cover your back whilst remaining hidden from sight."
"Can you Dream Walk?" I asked the younger Nosferatin. It was the only skill I could think of that would allow her to move silently and hidden through the night.
"No, my talent is more on the side of Shadow Walking," she said, then clarified, "but not quite the same."
Hmm. Interesting and also enlightening. She had called it a talent, which meant she had come into some of her Nosferatin powers before turning twenty-five. Not many do, I had and Amisi has, and I knew that Nero had too, many centuries before. But it was still considered unusual to inherit our skills before we matured and joined. Nut, our Goddess, must have considered it necessary, which only made me realise how precarious things were right now. And that Sophie was going to be a powerful Nosferatin. One to watch.
"I appreciate the offer," I said to them both, but as Sophie was still an immature Nosferatin, I didn't think it was wise to pull her into this.
"She is my best Nosferatin," Yves added, clearly understanding why I was reluctant to take up his offer.
"I'm sure she is, Yves," I said, trying to think of a polite way to let them both down. It was a generous offer, I really did appreciate it and some part of me could see how useful she would be, what a great addition to my team she would make. But I still felt uneasy about pulling her into what could potentially be quite risky. I'm not sure I would want her safety on my mind when facing my own.
Michel appeared at our sides from out of nowhere. Yves and I took his sudden appearance in our stride, Sophie gasped slightly, but hid her reaction fairly well. It was easy to be bamboozled by Michel's speed, not to mention his appearance. The young Nosferatin was staring at him with open mouthed awe. Then again, he is the Champion, the leader of the Iunctio which was set up to guide all Nosferatu as well as Nosferatin. He was her leader too.
"You vouch for her?" he asked Yves, surprising me.
"Absolutely," Yves replied without hesitation. Michel turned his attention to Sophie, I think she was trying not to pee her pants.
"You are aware, Nosferatin, of what danger you could face?" His voice was gentle and I noticed laced in a little Sanguis Vitam. He was trying to calm her enough, so she could answer his question without fumbling. I loved him even more in that minute, that he would take the time to soothe a young Nosferatin's fear. His eyes flicked to mine briefly, a flash of magenta letting me know his vampire-within was also here and as much a participant as him.
I loved them both.
Michel's hand came out and clasped mine, he brought my knuckles up to his lips for a kiss, his eyes though back on Sophie. Her eyes widened slightly at his intimate and open gesture.
"Yes, Champion," she finally answered. "I am aware."
"And you would like to assist my kindred?" he asked, still in that gentle voice.
"It would be my greatest wish," she replied instantly.
"Do you think you would be of some help?" he continued to interrogate her, albeit softly.
"Most certainly," she replied and although her confidence could be confused with pride, it clearly wasn't. She just had enough faith in her own abilities to back herself. I immediately liked her.
Michel turned to me. "It is your call, ma douce, but I believe she would indeed be an asset to your team."
I held his gaze, knowing he wouldn't suggest this if he didn't truly believe she would help rather than hinder. Michel knew how much difficulty I had training and working with Marie in London. But then Marie, despite being a mature Nosferatin, was definitely not skilled. She had been a liability and Michel would never consider placing me in a position such as that again. Plus, it was obvious, Michel wanted me to have as much protection as I could. Things were not good in our world right now. He'd asked Yves for Nosferatin protection for my return to this realm, he clearly felt Nosferatins could offer something in addition to his usual vampire protection squad.
If I hadn't have taken the gravity of the climate seriously before, I sure as hell did now.
I nodded at him, letting him know through my thoughts and expression that I understood. Then turned back to Sophie and Yves.
To the young woman I said, "Welcome to the team."
She smiled broadly back at me, then fisted her hand over her chest and bowed to us both.
In that instant she reminded me of Amisi, who had been raised in a community of Nosferatins and Nosferatu. Amisi knew instinctively how to be a Nosferatin. I had always envied and admired her for that. I looked at Sophie, who clearly knew too how to be a Nosferatin, and thought perhaps this just might work.
It looked like I had a new sidekick and for some reason that didn't make me as scared as I had expected to be.
Chapter 8
The World
The moment the Grandfather Clock in the hallway, outside the sitting room we were all in, announced it was midnight, Michel was back at my side. I had been catching up first with Kathleen and Matthew, and then lastly Sergei and Natalyia, with Christopher adding a little to the conversation here and there. It had been a great evening. I felt settled and grounded and at peace with my family around me.
Marcus and Matthias had been playing an impromptu game of poker with Michel's Shadow Guards down one end of the room, so I hadn't wanted to interfere and touch base with them. They seemed hell bent on consuming as much alcohol as they could manage and losing as much money as the night allowed. It was raucous and entertaining to witness. I knew I'd have time enough to catch up with my personal guards in London, though and I had never been close to Michel's Shadow Guards, so didn't feel the need to go there.
It was Samson who worried me and threatened to upset my pleasant mood. He had spoken with Michel for a while and then spent the rest of the night in intense conversation with Yves and Sophie. The young Nosferatin woman had appeared at first starstruck and then as the conversation continued a little pissed off. She hid it well, having mastered a blank mask no doubt at an early age. When around vampires so much you need to be able to hide your reactions, a vampire will use anything it can to gain the upper hand. She played the game well, but I am equally adept at reco
gnising minute expressions, and I had seen the frustration and anger on her face fleetingly, before the mask fell into place. Just what the hell was the matter with Samson?
"Ma douce," Michel murmured in my ear against my neck, interrupting my thoughts and the conversation with Sergei, Natalyia and Christopher. They all ceased speaking and watched the scene unfold. Michel had never been shy about showing affection in public. It had taken a concerted effort from him to get me to unwind in any degree in front of others, but I was still not up to his standard of exhibitionism
His arm now, had come around my waist pulling my back against his broad chest. One hand held my side firmly, his fingers splayed across my hip and waist in a claiming gesture that would not have been lost on those standing before us. His other hand had come up to my head and tipped it gently sideways, exposing my neck to his lips. He spoke against the skin there, an intimate gesture that promised much and left no one in any confusion about what was on his mind.
I refused to crumble under his assault and just replied, rather obtusely, "What, Michel?"
He chuckled against my skin, sending hot waves of his breath over my flesh. My body shuddered before I could stop it and I watched with a frown on my face as Natalyia flashed an amused grin from ear to ear. Sergei and Christopher just looked resigned. They'd seen it all before.
"We have a date," Michel murmured. "It is midnight."
I began laughing then, his arm tightened about my waist.
"You have plans," I added, starting to get into the swing of the conversation despite myself.
"Yes," he replied beginning to nibble on my ear. "Say goodnight, ma belle. You are mine."
Well, that settled that. I smiled at the vampires before me, they all wore various sizes of grins on their faces... and then they were gone. Poof! So much for subtlety.